Thursday, November 30, 2006

Thank God for Tivo

Survivor, The Office, Grey's Anatomy, and Men in Trees, all in one night?! The stress! I cannot take it! This is why I love Tivo. The plan:

1. Survivor for half an hour until The Office comes on.
2. The Office for half an hour (because I just cannot bear to continue watching Survivor while I know it's on!).
3. Grey's Anatomy for an hour.
4. Second half of Survivor.
5. Pass out on couch and save Men in Trees for tomorrow (Friday night t.v. is famously lame, anyway.)

I remember when I used to get all hyped about getting all dressed up for a night out on the town with my friends. Now I'm all like "I can't wait to put on my pj's and sit my ass in front of the t.v. for THREE SOLID HOURS! And eat takeout food and drink wine! Life does not get any better than this!"

It's sad, really. (Yet why am I so happy?! Wheeeeee!!!!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tivo is AWESOME. I don't have Tivo, but I know it it awesome, simply because I have digitical cable, which is a cheap knockoff of tivo, and I am ever-blissful on a Thursday night. And ever-recording. : )

4:41 AM  
Blogger Kat said...

I wish I had cable then i could get Tivo, Then I really would never leave the house.

6:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know the feeling. I am such a homebody. I enjoy just veggie out at home. When I veg...I usually fall asleep. It's all good. LOL

9:21 PM  
Blogger Colleen said...

I really really miss my DVR. (cable equivilant of TIVO) I don't have any shows im into right now and that is terribly sad. I can't wait for January TV!

2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, we don't have Tivo. We don't even have the good cable, with HBO.

I know it's wrong, but I, too, love the prospect of sitting in front of some of my favorite shows, wearing fleece or jammies, and just vegging out.

5:28 PM  

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